Źródło opisu
Katalog księgozbioru
Forma i typ
tylko na miejscu
Wypożyczalnia centralna
Oddział Dziecięco-Młodzieżowy
Filia nr 4
Filia nr 3
Czytelnia Oddziału Dziecięco-Młodzieżowego
Filia nr 17
Wypożyczalnia Książek Wysokonakładowych i Filtantropijnych, innymi słowy Filia nr 1
Filia nr 2
Filia nr 5
Filia nr 6
Filia nr 7
Filia nr 10
Filia nr 15
Filia nr 18
Filia nr 21
Dział informacji
Wypożyczalnia dla dzieci
Filia nr 14
Fekecz Kazimiera
Acoustic 4P
Hirschfeld Burt
Marciniuk Adam
Siewak-Sojka Zofia
Doyle Arthur Conan
Janowiak Iga
Kaliski Radosław
Katarzyna Wycisk
Lydorf Harald
McQueer Chris
Meyer Stephan Martin
Pawlak Paweł (1962- )
Perkowska Aleksandra
Siewierska Agnieszka
Wawiłow Danuta (1942-1999)
empresarial Las 4 miradas de la gestión
Aston Adam (1902-1993)
Barceló José Luis
Bartek Barbara
Behrooz Anahit
Berger Alicja
Berlitz Charles (1914-2003 )
Bollmann Werner
Borowik Anna
Bucak Selin
Błaszczak Sławek
Carter Thom James
Charles Nathan
Chatelain Maurice
Coe James
Dieskamp Carina
Donnelly Joe
Drężek Mariusz
East Anne
Egido Ignacio Prieto del
Ert-Eberdt Barbara
Faliszewski Tadeusz (1898-1961)
Fekecz Kazimiera (1930- )
Fitzgerald Francis Scott
Garrick David (1946-2013)
Garside Emily
Garstka Barbara
Gaynor Gloria (1949- )
Gazia Juan Carlos
Gellner Dorota (1961- )
Goh Katie
Gryga Tomasz
Grzechowiak Jarosław
Haley Bill (1925-1981)
Jackson Munyungo
Jagger Genevieve
Jassat Nadine Aisha
Jay Josephine
Johnson Karl
Kamler Mikołaj
Karwan-Jastrzębska Ewa
Kielar Magdalena
Kipling Rudyard
Klotz Andreas
Kolasińska-Demidowicz Aneta
Koonse Larry
Kozyra-Pawlak Ewa (1961- )
Limahl (1958- )
Marbach Claudia
Marshall Carrie
Matuszewski Radek
McBain Ed (1926-2005)
Menzies Jean
Mhishi Tanaka
Mientus Konrad (1926-)
Misraki Paul
Neufang Detlef
Nowak Andrzej
Odedra Kajal
Olech Joanna (1955- )
Oleszkiewicz Dariusz (1963- )
Oliver Adèle
Ordonówna Hanka (1902-1950)
Pais-Gruszecka Teresa
Papis-Gruszecka Teresa
Pobóg-Lenartowicz Anna
Porazińska Janina (1888-1971)
Porter E.H
Prieur Jean
Pyrzyńska Hanna
Qureshi Arusa
Rahman Zara
Reed J. David
Ribadeau Dumas François (1904-1998)
Ribadeau-Dumas François (1904-1998)
Ritchie Casci
Rogacka Helena
Rogoziński Patryk
Rowell Maud
Sakra Agnieszka
Simenon Georges (1903-1989)
Smith Karl Thomas
Sojka Maciej
Sood Arun
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
Kraj wydania
Powieść amerykańska
Hitler, Adolf (1889-1945)
Język angielski
Muzyka filmowa
Muzyka taneczna
Zjawiska paranormalne
Architektura sakralna polska
Bajka i baśń angielska
Istoty pozaziemskie
Kapliczki i krzyże przydrożne
Kościoły i kaplice
Literatura dziecięca polska
Muzyka rozrywkowa
Piosenka polska
Szlaki turystyczne
Zespół Szkół Zawodowych nr 4 im. Bronisława Koraszewskiego w Opolu
Śmierć kliniczna
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Chrząstowice (woj. opolskie ; okręg)
Opole (woj. opolskie ; okręg)
Opole (woj. opolskie)
Opolskie, województwo (od 1999)
Śląsk, Górny
Dokumenty dźwiękowe
Literatura dziecięca polska
Piosenka polska
Dokumenty audiowizualne
Muzyka rozrywkowa
Opowiadanie dziecięce polskie
Poezja dziecięca polska
Powieść kryminalna
Bajka dla najmłodszych
Dokumenty elektroniczne
Muzyka elektroniczna
Muzyka fortepianowa
Poezja polska
Powieść amerykańska
Powieść belgijska
Przewodniki turystyczne
Rejestracje filmowe
95 wyników Filtruj
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Forma i typ
Słuchaj wielkich powieści i ucz się angielskiego! Adaptacja do nauki angielskiego w trzech wersjach: 1 – angielsko-polskiej (zdanie po zdaniu) 2 – angielskiej 3 – polskiej Adaptacja powieści Rudyarda Kiplinga The Jungle Book. Księga dżungli została przygotowana z myślą o słuchaczach na poziomie średnio zaawansowanym, jednak dzięki obecności polskiego tłumaczenia z audiobooka korzystać mogą również początkujący w nauce języka angielskiego. Polecamy także wydanie papierowe The Jungle Book. Księga dżungli (wersja angielsko-polska). Książki z serii „czytamy w oryginale” są do kupienia w księgarniach w całej Polsce.
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Carrie Kills A Man* is about growing up in a world that doesn't want you, and about how it feels to throw a hand grenade into a perfect life. It's the story of how a tattooed transgender rock singer killed a depressed suburban dad, and of the lessons you learn when you renounce all your privilege and power. When more people think they've seen a ghost than met a trans person, it's easy for bad actors to exploit that – and they do, as you can see from the headlines and online. But here's the reality, from someone who's living it. From coming out and navigating trans parenthood to the thrills of gender-bending pop stars, fashion disasters and looking like Velma Dinkley, this is a tale of ripping it up and starting again: Carrie's story in all its fearless, frank and funny glory. *"Spoiler: That man was me." – Carrie "Nasty & funny! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED." - Patton Oswalt
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Hings / Chris McQueer. - [miejsce nieznane] : 404 Ink : Legimi, 2017.
Forma i typ
From the streets of working class Scotland, and on occasion, a little beyond our solar system, comes one of the country s most hilarious debut writers. Putting surreal and witty twists on the everyday, Chris McQueer creates recognisable characters you will love and want to avoid like the plague. Peter s earned his night off, and there's not a bloody chance he's covering Shelley's shift. He just needs to find some pals for the perfect cover story. Deek is going to be at the forefront of the outsider art movement and do Banksy proud. Davie loves tattoos and his latest is going to be a masterpiece. Tam is one of the most creative minds in the galaxy (apparently), but creating parallel universes can cause problems. Everybody on Earth wakes up with their knees on backwards.He caught folks imagination on Medium with his stories, had rooms howling with laughter on the spoken word circuit, and now it s time to put Chris McQueer on the page. Are you ready?Winner of the Outstanding Literature Award at the Scottish Culture Awards
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HWFG / Chris McQueer. - [miejsce nieznane] : 404 Ink : Legimi, 2018.
Forma i typ
Here We F**king Go (HWFG) is the much-anticipated follow up to Chris McQueer s hilarious, award-winning debut short story collection Hings. In HWFG... Your fave Sammy gets a job and Angie goes to Craig Tara. Plans are made to kick the f*ck out of Kim Jong-Un. You ll find answers to the big questions in life: What happens when we die? What does Brexit actually mean? Why are moths terrifying? What are ghosts like to live with? It s just a load more short stories n that. hwfg x
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For a period in time that gave us Sappho and the love affair of Achilles and Patroclus, the Ancient Greek relationship with queer folk is more complicated than at first glance. Tales as old as antiquity persevere, whether the goddess of love Aphrodite, Tiresias, the prophet who spent time as both man and woman, or the infamous Heracles. But, what can these ancient stories offer our contemporary world? Historian Jean Menzies dives into the world of queer retellings and the Greek myths being told anew by LGBTQ+ writers. From explorations of gender and identity across millennia, to celebrating queer love in its many forms, All the Violet Tiaras invites readers to discover the power to be found in remaking these myths, time and again, carving a space for queer stories to be told with all the complexity and tenderness they deserve, with a goddess or two for good measure.
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Sons and Others / Tanaka Mhishi. - [miejsce nieznane] : 404 Ink : Legimi, 2022.
Forma i typ
In the UK, around one in six men will experience some form of sexual violence. Many of these men who experience sexual abuse are dismissed, only brought up as the butt of a joke, an exception to the rule or, perhaps at worst, are used as a rhetorical tool against female victims. Conversations on sexual violence have understandably focused on women's voices and experiences, with data indicating that women are still the majority of victims and not enough is being done to prevent this violence. As most perpetrators of this violence against women are men, it becomes almost easy to mistake that male survivors stories are exceptions or irrelevances. The fact is that we share a world and our experiences are closely interwoven. Sons and Others challenges misconceptions and misrepresentations of sexual violence against men across media and society and offers a new way of seeing and understanding these men in our lives, asking how the violence they experience affects us all.
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Hair/Power / Kajal Odedra. - [miejsce nieznane] : 404 Ink : Legimi, 2023.
Forma i typ
Hair is potent. Its presence and its absence has profound influence upon our lives, across race, gender, sexuality, status, and more. It will grow in places you don't like and it may desert you – suddenly, or gradually. Whatever your experience, you have had a relationship with hair and its power. Kajal Odedra considers how hair has shaped society today, from the 'perfect' blondes in the school playground to the angry skinheads on the streets. Mohawks, wigs, afros, these are just a few of the ways in which hair has been part of history and wider activism. The word 'essay' derives from the French 'essayer', meaning 'to try' or 'to attempt'. This is Odedra's 'try' at hair – part memoir, part observation across history, politics, religion, and culture. Hair/Power explores the power, control and ultimate liberation that hair can provide.
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Deeping It / Adèle Oliver. - [miejsce nieznane] : 404 Ink : Legimi, 2023.
Forma i typ
Deeping It analyses drill's fight against moral panic and its fraught relationship with the police and political authority in the UK, exemplified by constant censorship, racism, and moments such as when a drill duo became the first people in British legal history to receive a prison sentence for simply performing a song. Policing, policy and criminalisation are the cornerstones of colonial suppression; art, self-expression and collective action are beacons of resistance. Deeping It places drill firmly in the latter category, tracing its production and criminalisation across borders and eras of the British Empire, exploring drill's artistic singularity but also its inherent threat as a Black artform in a world that prioritises whiteness. Intervening on this discourse steeped in anti-Blackness, this Inkling 'deeps' how the criminalisation of UK drill cannot be disentangled from histories, technologies, and realities of colonialism and consumerism.
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Daj się porwać kompletnie nowej wersji jednej z najwspanialszych historii amerykańskiej literatury.Powieść "Pollyanna" autorstwa E.H.Porter to jedno z najważniejszych dzieł pisarki. Historia o młodej dziewczynie o tytułowym imieniu wywróci do góry nogami życia jej najbliższych osób. Młodość, energia i miłość. Zasmakuj tych rzeczy, dzięki głosowi Katarzyny Hołyńskiej oraz udźwiękowieniu Danieli Rippel-Markiewicz. Audiobook "Pollyanna" jest częścią serii "Historia z dźwiękiem", dzięki której 4P Acoustic przybliża najważniejsze dzieła w nowej, udźwiękowionej wersji. Lektorka: Katarzyna Hołyńska Reżyseria dźwięku: Daniela Rippel-Markiewicz Kierownictwo produkcji: Ola Szatkowska, Wiktor Piechowski Producent: 4P Acoustic
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Flip the Script / Arusa Qureshi. - [miejsce nieznane] : 404 Ink : Legimi, 2021.
Forma i typ
Flip the Script showcases some of the best rappers currently making music in the UK. It has taken a significant amount of time for women to get recognition in the genre, even though there have been phenomenal women in hip hop since its beginnings in the Bronx in the 1970s - but why did we take so long in the UK? Flip the Script gets to know the women who have paved the way, the successes and experiences of those that shape the thriving scene we have today. Arusa goes in depth with a number of female rappers who are making waves right now to find out about their relationships with hip hop, why they were attracted to the scene, what their thoughts are on the future of the genre and whether or not they feel a sense of belonging. Using her own research, and with reference to pioneers and critical theory, she explores hip hop's history of misogyny and how women have traditionally been looked over by their peers, and celebrates the brilliant icons who have made this one of the most exciting genres to be part of. A must read for fans of music, feminism, and culture.
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Machine Readable Me / Zara Rahman. - [miejsce nieznane] : 404 Ink : Legimi, 2023.
Forma i typ
As we go about our day-to-day lives, digital information about who we are is gathered from all angles via biometric scans, passport applications, and, of course, social media. This data can never fully capture our complex, fluid identities over decades of our lives. Yet, this data populates numerous databases we may not even be aware of that can make life-or-death decisions such as who is allowed access to welfare benefits or who is granted food parcels as they pass war-torn borders. Machine Readable Me considers how and why data that is gathered about us is increasingly limiting what we can and can't do in our lives and, crucially, what the alternatives are.
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It's one of modern history's most beloved sci-fi creations and while the Doctor is revered world-round, what about their companions, friends and acquaintances along the way? For all the time travel and extravagant alien worlds, Doctor Who is often at its best when it looks to you, the average viewer, and how the lives and values of us human beings are actually spectacular. The cup of tea or coffee we make in the morning, the relationships we carry and lose in life, the routines we love and hate, the vinegar-soaked chippies we have at night – they might look mundane against the spectacle of the Doctor but what if it's us, the humans, who are the fantastical ones? In We're Falling Through Space, J. David Reed investigates how Doctor Who uses its larger-than-life lens to consider how the mundane is a lot more special than we might realise. As one of the Doctors put it, 'Do you know, in nine hundred years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important before.'
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Prince was devoted to the art of dressing. A multi-million selling artist and musical trailblazer, he used fashion as an added storytelling tool. On His Royal Badness explores how Prince's distinctive style disrupts hegemonic, heteronormative and Black masculinities, and considers his own reverence for fashion and self-expression. As a lifelong fan and academic specialising in the field, Casci Ritchie believes Prince's transgressive acts of dress warrant further exploration and acknowledgement within fashion, and here she begins that journey, from ornate ear cuff down to bespoke heel. Taking core pieces from his wardrobe, she embarks on a greatest hits compilation of how the simplest pieces can tell the most incredible stories, and how they act as their own marker for Prince's career and surrounding cultural impact. Fearless in style and experimentation, Prince's impact upon contemporary fashion deserves a closer look and this is just that. Unaffiliated with the Prince estate.
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Blind Spot / Maud Rowell. - [miejsce nieznane] : 404 Ink : Legimi, 2021.
Forma i typ
Two million people in the UK live with sight loss, and many more worldwide. Yet the general population knows very little about the day-to-day life of the blind, who must move through a world not designed with them in mind, from city planning and technology, to pop culture and education. What's more, blind people often fall off the pages of our history books, despite being some of the most prolific figures in their fields. In Blind Spot, Maud Rowell challenges readers to think differently about what they may take for granted, carrying them on a whirlwind tour through time and space - from Japanese tube stations to the 18th century museum - to showcase what the world looks like for someone who does not see. She offers practical insights based on her own experiences, as well as spotlighting incredible blind pioneers - explorers, artists, scientists, and more - through history and the current day, unearthed through her own research and interviews. In educating us about the realities of sight loss, Maud shows us how to be aware of our own blind spots, offering the knowledge needed to become better, more tolerant members of diverse communities. Society needs to support everyone - it's time we caught up.
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Now Go / Karl Thomas Smith. - [miejsce nieznane] : 404 Ink : Legimi, 2022.
Forma i typ
Grief is all around us. Even at the heart of the brightly coloured, vividly characterised, joyful films of Studio Ghibli, they are wracked with loss – of innocence and love, of the world itself and our connection to it. Whether facing the realities of death, the small and continual losses we encounter through our daily lives, or the anticipatory grief of the environment's ongoing decline, each has a distinct presence in these beloved films, with their own lesson to hold close in our lives, and comfort to be found. Now Go enters the emotional waters to interrogate not only how Studio Ghibli navigates grief, but how that informs our own understanding of its manifold faces. Touching on some of the cornerstone films and characters — from My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away and beyond — and their intersections with his own life, the broader spectrum of loss, and how we can move forward, Smith invites us to consider how these beacons of joy offer us a winking light in the darkness. (Please note this title is unaffiliated with Studio Ghibli.)
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New Skin for the Old Ceremony follows four estranged friends reunited for a motorcycle trip up the Isle of Skye in the hope of coming to terms with how their lives have splintered since a transformative ride in Northern India years earlier. In their fumbling attempts to spiritually reconnect, expectant father Raj, recently widowed Vidushei, perpetually youthful Liam, and perpetually fragile Bobby test the limits of their friendship around campfires, on twisty roads, in unexpected Ayahuasca ceremonies, and against discussions of belonging, race, and identity. A novel about youth, the ghosts of friendship, and growing up as a mixed-race person in a small but fiercely proud nation, the characters exorcise past ghosts in order to face the present.
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Un secuestro alterará la vida de un pueblo. 27 personajes relatan en primera persona su reacción ante la noticia; sentimientos y razonamientos. Euskadi como escenario y el terrorismo de fondo. Un puzle en el que cada pieza es imprescindible para entender el cuadro. Protagonistas sin decidirlo. Víctimas todos de las consecuencias. Un libro donde el idealismo, el amor y el deseo vencen al fanatismo, el odio y la venganza.
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Każda rana to zdobyte doświadczenie, każde wyjście z mroku – skok na wyższy level. Jedna noc rujnuje wszystko i posyła Kiliana na drugą stronę lustra. W miejsce, którego tak panicznie się bał. Nic nie jest tu oczywiste: prawda miesza się z kłamstwem, jawa ze snem. Głosy w głowie mężczyzny nie chcą zamilknąć, wspomnienia przytłaczają z taką siłą, że nie sposób zaczerpnąć tchu. Wiktoria nie ma pojęcia, jaki jest prawdziwy powód dystansu Hattera. Dlaczego chłopak ją odtrącił, zamiast chociaż porozmawiać? Kobieta jest rozdarta pomiędzy chęcią wyciągnięcia z niego prawdy siłą a cierpliwym czekaniem, aż sam będzie gotowy ją wyznać. Czuje, że Kiliana spotkało coś okropnego, jednak nie potrafi dojść do żadnych logicznych wniosków. Jedno jest pewne: nie podda się bez walki. Czy uczucia, które połączyły tych dwoje, mają szansę przetrwać? Jak cienka jest granica między ułudą a rzeczywistością? Ile Wiki jest w stanie poświęcić, by wyrwać Kiliana z mrocznej krainy czarów?Czytają: Małgorzata Kozłowska i Sebastian Dela
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Oblicza śmierci / Antologia. - [miejsce nieznane] : 4generations : Legimi, 2018.
Forma i typ
W niniejszym zbiorze poznacie jednak różne oblicza śmierci. Nie tylko tę ponurą i smutną, zazwyczaj jako pierwszą przychodzącą nam do głowy. Śmierć może być również ukojeniem, początkiem czegoś nowego, a nawet – powodem do radości. Liczymy na to, że w tak różnorodnym zbiorze opowiadań każdy z Was znajdzie tekst, który przypadnie Wam do gustu. Wzruszy, da powód do refleksji a może i uśmiechu. Cały dochód ze sprzedaży przeznaczony zostanie na cele charytatywne! 50% dochodu zostaje przekazane Fundacji pomagającej ofiarom przemocy (Fundacja Fileo). Pozostałe 50% – fundacji pro-zwierzęcej (Fundacja Mondo Cane – Inspektorat Nowy Sącz). Każdego dnia setki ofiar przemocy, setki zwierząt potrzebują naszego wsparcia. Kupując „Oblicza śmierci” dołożycie cegiełkę do tego, by pomoc trafiała do nich jak najszybciej. Liczymy, że dzięki Waszym zakupom, a także wspólnym promowaniu tej inicjatywy – uda się zebrać jak największą kwotę! Jeśli po lekturze e-booka „Oblicza śmierci” uznacie, że znaleźliście w nim „to coś” – będziemy niezmiernie wdzięczni za każdą polecajkę, jaką opublikujecie w internecie.
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We Were Always Here. - [miejsce nieznane] : 404 Ink : Legimi, 2019.
Forma i typ
From drag queens and discos, to black holes and monsters, these stories and poems wrestle with love and loneliness and the fight to be seen. By turns serious and fantastical, hilarious and confrontational, We Were Always Here addresses the fears, mysteries, wonders and variety of experience that binds our community together. We Were Always Here is a snapshot of current Scottish LGBTI+ writing and a showcase of queer talent.
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